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Post by Andreas Krey...
Post by ithorCan you elaborate upon that for the noob I am. If i understand you correctly, when using domain fronting, Tor basically spoofs or "hijacks" the ip address of an existing Azure server client ?
SNI: Server Name Indication. While setting up the encryption the client
needs to send (in cleartext) the host name it wishes to connect to
(so that the server can use the corresponding certificate). That is how
https still gives away whom you're talking to.
Ok, correct me if I'm wrong. Is this what happens in a meek request :
1. unencrypted http request with the hostname I want to connect to in cleartext.
2. encrypted https connection to the hostname.
3. encrypted (http?) relay connection to the Tor entry node.
Post by Andreas KreyPost by ithorWhat exactly is in the SNI : the name of the Azure server or some kind of information of a real client using that service ?
The name of some service (web site) hosted. Domain fronting means that
the meek client uses one hostname for establishing the encrytion, and
inside the encrypted channel a different hostname it actually wants to
talk to. Google apparently now enforces that these two are the same.
Ok, so here is my question : this 'some service' is this some kind of dummy request, like an empty formular that just mimics the looks of a real request, or is this actually a real-world request with an actual website. The reason I ask is if the latter is the case (some real website hosted on a Azure server), it might contain information the DPI finds harmful or compromising for some reason or another to the gvt, and so, beacuse I don't know what 'some service' is actually being used, I might very well be playing Russian roulette with the DPI.
Post by Andreas KreyPost by ithorWhat could China block ? The ip of the real client who was spoofed ?
The cleartest hostname in the SNI (if it bothers to). (Question is how
they detect what hostnames are used there.)
Well, if the hostname is sent in cleartext, that shouldn't be too much of a problem...
Post by Andreas KreyPost by ithorWhat would ESNI (encrypted SNI) bring into the mix concerning meek connections ?
Here the SNI host field is already sent encrypted so china can't tell
anymore which service/website on azure/whatever you're connecting to,
it only sees that you are addressing azures/googles/amazons/cloudflares
cloud. But it will take time until this is widely in use so that you're
not suspicious for just using ESNI (not sure if that is an official
"Totally trivial. Famous last words."
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 07:29:21 -0800
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