[tor-talk] Tor Browser evolution mysteries
2018-11-10 13:22:00 UTC

I remember Tor Broswer used to create a new circuit per tab. It had also
the "Create new circuit" button.

What happened?
How come I have now the same IP address on every tab?
How come the new-cicuit button is not there anymore?

I am also curious to know why the list of the three nodes being used per
circuit is not shown anymore.

Thank you.
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Jonathan Marquardt
2018-11-10 15:45:48 UTC
Post by anan
How come I have now the same IP address on every tab?
Circuit isolation is not per tab, but per site.

For example, open two tabs, one with https://ipchicken.com/ and one with
https://wtfismyip.com/. The circuits should differ.
Post by anan
How come the new-cicuit button is not there anymore?
I am also curious to know why the list of the three nodes being used per
circuit is not shown anymore.
In the address bar, click the "i" symbol or the lock or the onion symbol
(depending on what kind of site you're on). You should see your circuit's
nodes as well as a button that lets you create a new circuit.
OpenPGP Key: 47BC7DE83D462E8BED18AA861224DBD299A4F5F3
2018-11-11 18:44:00 UTC
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
Post by anan
How come I have now the same IP address on every tab?
Circuit isolation is not per tab, but per site.
Wow, that's even better!
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
For example, open two tabs, one with https://ipchicken.com/ and one with
https://wtfismyip.com/. The circuits should differ.
Post by anan
How come the new-cicuit button is not there anymore?
I am also curious to know why the list of the three nodes being used per
circuit is not shown anymore.
In the address bar, click the "i" symbol or the lock or the onion symbol
(depending on what kind of site you're on). You should see your circuit's
nodes as well as a button that lets you create a new circuit.
Excellent. Thank you very much!!
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Kevin Burress
2018-11-12 01:25:08 UTC
Post by anan
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
Post by anan
How come I have now the same IP address on every tab?
Circuit isolation is not per tab, but per site.
Wow, that's even better!
I would rather have circuit isolation per tab.
Post by anan
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
Post by anan
How come I have now the same IP address on every tab?
Circuit isolation is not per tab, but per site.
Wow, that's even better!
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
For example, open two tabs, one with https://ipchicken.com/ and one
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
https://wtfismyip.com/. The circuits should differ.
Post by anan
How come the new-cicuit button is not there anymore?
I am also curious to know why the list of the three nodes being used per
circuit is not shown anymore.
In the address bar, click the "i" symbol or the lock or the onion symbol
(depending on what kind of site you're on). You should see your
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
nodes as well as a button that lets you create a new circuit.
Excellent. Thank you very much!!
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Gunnar Wolf
2018-11-13 04:06:46 UTC
Post by Kevin Burress
Post by anan
Post by Jonathan Marquardt
Post by anan
How come I have now the same IP address on every tab?
Circuit isolation is not per tab, but per site.
Wow, that's even better!
I would rather have circuit isolation per tab.
Right - It could increase privacy. However, it would break user
expectations regarding usability - If there is full cookie / circuit /
environment isolation between tabs, the general use case of many users
would lead to suffering and head-scratching.
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