2018-08-28 04:15:09 UTC
One might worry more what Mega and Gigacorps are doing,
secret partner friendly endeavours with Govts against you,
than what some tiny ISP or whoever is doing with a few boxes.
It's quite true hosting providers might collude with law enforcement.secret partner friendly endeavours with Govts against you,
than what some tiny ISP or whoever is doing with a few boxes.
Tor isn't designed to fight against a global passive adversary
there isn't
enough research on protecting against a such a powerful adversary.
on what discussion context.
There may in fact be enough research to inhibit strict GPAs.
GAAs may be a bit harder depending on range of actions,
yet might fall at the same time.
Tor can't change design to fight such GPA due to inertia,
dependance, age, use cases, and other factors including
political which can be thought up, investigated, discussed, etc.
And if the same community / corporation "Tor" tried to, many
would reasonably question the homing of that endeavour.
So whatever comms systems end up taking on GPA
will likely come from elsewhere, nowhere, everywhere.
And was posted here many times about creating additional trust
models and layers for relays, audits metrics and choices for users
beyond the CIDR/nn and Family game that might go towards
satisfying some reasonable concerns in that space... but crickets.
And when you can't trust your CPUs, ISPs, operators, Govts, or
even your own anonymous overlay networks strength against them...
it's probably time for strategic rethink.
When it gets to the point you are worried all computers have a hardwaremodels and layers for relays, audits metrics and choices for users
beyond the CIDR/nn and Family game that might go towards
satisfying some reasonable concerns in that space... but crickets.
And when you can't trust your CPUs, ISPs, operators, Govts, or
even your own anonymous overlay networks strength against them...
it's probably time for strategic rethink.
backdoor, maybe computers and the internet are too dangerous for your
thread model and you should consider alternate ways of communication not
involving technology.
and are extremely limiting of use cases. Are those remaining
cases capable of changing the world in ways you might like,
good question.
Why many people make negative anti suggestions, putting backdoors
as crazy, when they have many positive outlooking ones available
to make, investigate, and execute on (thus putting even backdoors
as magnitudes harder to pull off under new models) such as
#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenDev , #OpenBiz
#Cryptocurrency : Decentralized + Privacy
and removing the attackers from power, relavance, existance.
Hiding from them is one thing, a fun little side game... yet
don't forget, going through or around them, till they're gone...
that's why you're in it.
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